The Treatment team consists of all the preferred healthcare providers at Preston Pointe. Our core providers are a multidisciplinary group of physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapist, home health care provider, nurse case manager, and a hospice provider. We meet every Wednesday and discuss residents that we have concerns about. High risk residents include those who are returning from ED, hospital, and rehab admissions. We also discuss those who have had recent falls, hospice patients, and those with complex family dynamics. We develop a plan and review it weekly to make sure it’s working and tweak as necessary. I make sure that residents and family are informed and their concerns are addressed in the plan as well. This process allows our residents to age in place with a quality of life from the best providers I can find. All the providers bill Medicare except Home Care Assistance which is private pay only. Having this great team allows me peace of mind that our residents/ families are well cared for and understand what is happening.

The Wellness Coordinator is also the resident and family’s biggest advocate by closely following residents at risk, and coaching/ advising families of their rights, educating and hopefully preventing hospitalizations. She can recommend the best rehabs in the area and visit residents prior to returning home.